Youth Resources
Providing Everything You Need

Hudson Schools
ECCOH Preschool - Evangelical Covenant Church of Hudson *
The First Congregational Church Children's Center
The Hudson Presbyterian Church Early Childhood Center
Community Organizations
Connecting Partners
Community First has formed the Healthy Youth for a Healthy Community partnership with the following youth-related organizations in Hudson that speak to the social, physical, emotional and mental well-being of youth. Visit our partner sites for more information about what they are doing for youth!
Coalition for Children's Mental Health
Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce
Hudson Library and Historical Society
Music from the Western Reserve
Community Groups
Hudson Clock Tower Rotary Club
VIP (Vitally Interested People)
Religious Organizations
The First Congregational Church of Hudson (U.C.C.)
Grace Presbyterian Church (P.C.A.)
The Hudson Presbyterian Church

Youth Health & Services
American Lung Association of Ohio
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Summit and Medina Counties, Inc.
Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron
County of Summit Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
Tobacco Free College Campuses
United Cerebral Palsy
Mobile Response & Stabilization Service
Counseling & Chemical Assessment Centers
UHHS Laurelwood Counseling Center of Beechwood
Treatment Centers